Interesting Bits
Ok, I learnt something recently. The city of "Qeynos" is actually
SonyEQ backwards! Man, how could I have missed that? Most times I find myself, when confronted with players with weird names, to reverse their names and see what they actually mean.
And I thought I got pretty good at it. But, I missed this one.
Here's another interesting bit for all you guys who already have KoS, or planning to get it (*sniff sniff* I'm about to break down and get the digital download version myself dammit) from
Henaz, a fellow guildie:
What's worst, I claimed the gate replica from the gnome before I got KoS, and I simply got the item and the adv exp. (it's a quest completion that's at par with your current adventure level). However, the next day when Annettia got the replica after having KoS, she also got an Achievement point together with the rest of the normal exp. SOE is kind enough to enable our old toons to get all the exp from visiting POIs, but each of them will give out only 1% of a full Acheivement point! So I've missed out on a full achievement point worth 100 POIs!!
So, DO NOT get the gate replica until you have KoS installed and activated, or you'll miss out on 1 full Achievement point! (Well, not that tough to do white color quests for people who play in groups or raids, but for soloers, it's tough!)
Note - Henaz is a swashbuckler. High DPS, lousy tank. *evil grin*
Got that? Don't claim your... err... whatever it is, till you get KoS installed and running!
Now, apparently there are new "location xps" too, and they too are keyed into the KoS expansion. So, don't go running around getting dings from tourism, until you get KoS too.
Damn, makes a grown man really wanna cry. I want my KoS now!!! *stamp feet*
I Need To Kill Somebody!
Ok, first of all, Kingdom of Sky is out for Everquest 2, but you already know that.
I don't have it.
It's not that I don't want it - I wannit I wannit gimme gimme gimme!
But, I can't have it. No way jose! Well, the trouble is, maybe SOE underestimated the demand or something, but NONE, NOT ONE, the local gaming shops has it. Not a single one. Nada. I asked when they might be able to get it in. Best answer I got was - "maybe in 2 weeks".
2 friggin' weeks! Half my guild will be level 65 by then! And when I finally get KoS, and start to level up, they'd be 70.... and raiding T7 stuff! I'll still be stuck doing T6 stuff!
Oh yeah, blame the Americans why don't you. "Something screwed up" they said. "Singapore is not on the list" they said.
Aww come on, I know alotta guys play World of Warcraft, but we have die-hard EQ2 players here too! How about ordering "special orders" or something?
Guildies of course, tried to be helpful. "Pre-Order!" they told me a few weeks ago. "Get the download version off the Station account". Call me old-fashioned but I want the CD (or DVD) in my grubby little hands, for times when, God forbid, my computer crashes and I need to reinstall everything all over again. I am so not looking forward to re-downloading KOS for 2 hours over the Internet!
Gaaaggghhhh!!! I need to kill somebody, and I don't mean city guards!
Kill On Sight!
In Everquest 2, I learnt a new
acronym - KOS.
It means - "Kill On Sight". Most times it's referring to mobs, ie if they hate you (ie you have a bad faction with them), you're KOS to them. That means they will attack you on sight. This acronym only applies to mobs that do not necessarily kill everyone on sight, only those with a bad faction to them.
An example would be the centaurs in Thundering Steppes. When you're a lowbie level 20 running around there, and you kill some centaurs due to a quest (or just for fun), your faction with them gets a hit. Once you have killed enough centaurs to make them hate you, you are KOS to them, and they will then become aggro to you.
So it was with some amusement that players now refer to the new expansion Kingdom Of Sky as "KOS". At least Desert Of Flames (prevoius expansion) was called DoF, which does not share any acronyms with anything else, so it's unique.
Speaking of expansions, I am going out to try to buy Kingdom of Sky from Tecdrome later. I hope I can get it, and then I can install it and get back into EQ2 and start levelling up to 70. Killing guards is fun for awhile but eventually you will get bored and want to do something else.
Take That, City Guards!
HAH! I finally managed to log in to EQ2. First thing I did was to look for a guard and cause him some hurt! What I found was a nice new guard which I have never seen before in Qeynos, riding around all glowy on his armoured horse. Plus, he's a level 70 x4 epic.
Man, we can have raids in cities now woot!
Anyway I am just curious what the guards would drop if I killed one, so I hunted around for more.
Oh yeah, found one level 55 one, 3 ups. I made sure he walked a ways off away from the other guards (in case they are social). When he got to a relatively secluded spot, I pulled. Midway through the fight, some wandering guards saw us and they attacked. Oh boy, what a time to find out they
are social!
Hmm 1 against 4... that's not really fair. I hit Feign Death and broke the encounter. Once they sheathed their swords, I stood up. For some reason, one of the guards didn't reset (Doh! I should have learnt by now after going on so many raids - "
WAIT FOR THE MOBS TO RESET!!" would be the usual battlecry from our raid leader hehehe!)
Well anyway, down into the dirt I go. The dreaded revive box popped up and offered me only one revive location - Antonica.
Hmm one would think that in a city you'd revive at the local morgue or hospital. Oh wait, we don't have hospitals in Qeynos. For that matter, we don't have hospitals in Freeport too. Nor in Maj'Dul. Hey! Where do sick people go when they get sick? You can't expect us to stop every cleric we see in town and say "Heal plz kk tkx" right?
Anyway I ran back into North Qeynos and looked for that guard that killed me, and exacted my revenge. SOE wasn't kidding when they said they "beefed up" the guards. Normally I could take a level 55^^^ (that's 3 ups), although with some effort, solo.
These guards weren't ordinary 55^^^s. Midway through the fight he hit me for some incredible damage and I went from around 80% into about 25%. I went from green to orange, and bypassed yellow!
After some more fighting I managed to kill the guard, and guess what he dropped? A human femur yick! Maybe the devs decided to give them lousy loot so we don't go around killing guards in the city heheheh!
After this round of tests, it seems to me that maybe now, doing Assassin's Blade and Stein of Moggok quests would be easier. We don't have to sneak around anymore. A whole group of us could literally FIGHT our way into Freeport brazenly. Even getting dragon runes in Freeport Academy would be a cinch now - there's only one guard patrolling the path from the sewers to the mage academy, and that guard is only like level 30 or so. When you're out getting dragon runes you would be about level 50, piece of cake!
That is, assuming they don't add new guards, especially not those level 70 epics riding around on their glowy horses there too....
Made Contact Again!
Ok so I noticed DarkEmerald getting back onto Yahoo, so I IMed her.
Turns out she's still on EQ2, and still on Nektulos Server. She's commandeered her Sis-In-Law's account again, and the warden is now level 57. I seriously doubt she'd transfer the warden over to Antonia Bayle but one can only hope.
Currently I have yet to login to EQ2 since the huge update on Feb 22 (Feb 21 USA time). Servers have been laggy, and acting weird. I guess I missed the live event where they make those portals to go up to the Kingdom Of The Sky, and since DarkEmerald's on Nektulos server, there's not much incentive to convince her to move over to Antonia Bayle.
I mean hey man, level 57 warden. Damn.
Live Update 20
Ok today's the big day.
Well yeah it's Feb 22 today. In the USA it's still Feb 21 though, and this is when they push the Live Update out. Again there's going to be a lot of changes. Again I am going to have to learn how to play my character properly.
The sad thing is, once I finish downloading this update (gawd, 22 mins more to go), those who have "pre-ordered" the Kingdom Of The Sky expansion can begin their climb to level 70 immediately.
Me? I have to wait for Tecdrome to get them into Singapore. I am expecting this Saturday, but anything can happen. I might have to call them and find out when I can go and get it.
I can bet that as soon as I login everyone's going to be doing their Achievement quests. I probably can't do a thing, nor get any xps, till I get the expansion in and installed.
Well download is now done - I just tried to login and guess what? Yup. Servers are still LOCKED.
Sony does this all the time! They say "Down for 3 hours" and then they always, ALWAYS overshoot the time. It's probably closer to 5 hours since they brought it down.
Guess I will have to wait till tomorrow to login to Norrath...
Getting Back Into The Thick Of Things
Ok so I decided it's high time for me to return to Everquest 2.
I mean, why not? Today's the start of the "Bonus XP Weekend". Also, Feb 21 (Tuesday) is drawing closer.
So, I loaded up EQ2, logged onto an alt (level 42). Then I got into a Runnyeye group with the folks from Infinite Luck. Well, the funny thing is, I can't remember what some of the hotkeys do, and I've only been away from EQ2 like about a month or so.
So anyway, we ran pretty deep into Runnyeye. Ugglor joined us a little later, and as we were approaching the place with all them eyeballs (ie, very DEEP into Runnyeye), the dang servers decided to come down at 6.30pm (which is actually 2.30am PST).
Damn, not even a single warning. No bleeps, nothing. We were in the thick of fighting eyeballs and goblins and the servers came down and booted us all.
I am seriously
NOT looking forward to logging into Leireth again to find out he's dead as a doorknob and needs to revive. The good news is though, there aren't shards anymore, just debts. Debts I can live with, because I am already used to them from City of Heroes.
Ah well, I will logon a little later around 10am to see what raids are going on. It's time to get my feet wet!
Erus Ex Universitas!
Paganstar (esteemed guild leader of Erus Ex Norrath) has decided to merge Erus Ex Norrath into the universal Erus Ex Universitas.
What that means is that if we ever quit one game and go on to another, we can still go back to the same website and talk to the same guys and excitedly tell them how cool the new game might be. Also, it opens the way for any of us to start an Erus Ex guild in the new game.
I already registered at the new place, and I *just* saw Pagan integrating the calendar into the new site.
I guess we can kinda remove the Erus Ex Norrath link from our browsers now.
Or maybe not.
Feb 21 approaches too - time to dust the cobwebs off Chenyu and start levelling him up to 70. That is, assuming Tech Drome will manage to get the Kingdom Of The Sky into Singapore soon.