First Ever Huh?
A pleasant, although not unexpected, surprise awaited me when I logged on today. The Woodworker I had hired, has finished making my order.
My "You've got mail" icon beeped at me the moment I logged on. So, I opened the letter from her, and was actually surprised to discover that the bo staff I ordered was actually a Server First! I own the first, and probably the only one, imbued ebony bo staff.
The bo staff is a beauty I tell you. Ahhh *sigh*. Then it made me wonder why SOE decided to "devalue" the player-crafted rare weapons? As you can see from the picture, it is now listed as TREASURED instead of "Legendary" as it had always been in previous tiers. Anyway, I checked to see the delay on this bo staff - yes, 2.5 seconds, as noted in a previous entry. Seems like now all bo staves will be 2.5 seconds delay, instead of 1.7. Hence I cannot use the delay to judge if a named staff on the broker is a bo-staff or a regular staff (with a big ball at the top to crush enemies).
Why am I even bringing this up? Because there is a Staff of Enlightenment on sale at the brokers for only a little more than 11 gold. And, it's legendary....
Molokan happened to get online and wanted to get an XP group together. I went along. Why not, since I'm just starting into 62, and could use all the XP I can get. We did pretty good, got the necessary nameds for the guys who needed them, and then, it was 3am.. I should log off and go to bed eh?
Yeah right...
Damn that is a nice bo staff. I'm soooo jealous! Grats!!
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