Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Being The Lowbie Again

I logged on back onto EQ2 today for a meeting. Right after the meeting, a call went out over the raid channel for members to join an upcoming raid. Since I wasn't doing anything, I met up with them over at Sinking Sands docks. As the raid got set up, I quickly realise that I was one of the few guys that was still level 60. I felt like such a lowbie again.

After about an hour of hanging around we finally got underway. It was surprising to see a fellow guildie, Marid, in the raid too. He is already level 68 in trade skills, but surprisingly he was still level 63 in Adventure. Anyway, we headed for Lockjaw's Lair. seeing that everyone else was above level 60, I half expected that we would soundly thrash Lockjaw. However, it was him that gave us a sound thrashing. After a little bit more juggling around, moving tanks and healers around the groups, we eventually got him.

I didn't mind dying that much since I'm still stuck at level 60. I don't get any XP, just debts. Even those will go away with time. I hope that will change this Saturday when the expansion will arrive on my doorstep if everything goes to plan. I can foresee myself locking myself in the room and just grinding XP trying to catch up with the rest of the guys once I get the expansion installed into my computer. I hope it won't be too long because people like Marid are already almost level 70, albeit in trade skills.

Then there is the whole business with the achievement points. At this moment, I have no clue what I need to do to get them. People have been telling me that I should just do what I have always done, that is, do quests, discover a new locations, and kill some named mobs. That is easier said than done because I need to know which quests actually give the achievement points. I can also run around all the lowbie areas again and discover the locations all over again to get the achievement points.

I hope the expansion pack will come with a manual that tells me exactly how to get achievement points. If that fails I can always turn to the forums. It might take a bit of searching but I am sure the information will be there.


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