Friday, March 10, 2006

On Cloud Nine

I'm having a blast running through the Dragon Isles. The old feeling of "I need to complete one more quest" is back. With my limited time yesterday, I was able to add about 1.5 bubbles to my level 60 rank. 1.5 bubbles is 15% xp (Yeah I still think in terms of bubbles. It's an old habit brought over from ).

The installation of KoS used up 4 CDs. As I said, the KoS box came with 9 CDs, but only 4 were used. I wonder what the remainder of the 5 CDs were for? There were hints from the "manual" that came with the KoS box that it will prompt me to install if I don't already have it installed on my PC. To me that is really weird because - why would I even buy an expansion if I didn't already have the original game? On the other hand, that makes me feel cheated too - I should have saved $80 or so last year, waited a full year, buy KOS and then get EQ2 free.

Anyway, I was expecting Marid to be near 70 now, but the dark horse in the guild is actually Khofoo. He's level 67 or 68 when I logged off before the servers shut down for maintainence last night (that would be morning US time). Marid, as noted in a previous entry, is still currently level 63 or so.

Anyway, here's a screenie of me battling some bug:

It was funny to survive all the fighting and then to die from a fall off the edge of one of these floating isles. Looks like 300 skill points in Safe Fall isn't going to be enough heheh!

It would be fun to run around here with a healer. Or Brenu. Or Ufoog. Or Carrie. Well Brenu won't be around anymore. He's sold off everything, and donated all his money to the guild. Yup, he's quitting the game for good, and no, we "can't have his stuff (tm)". That's too bad (about him quitting). Now who's gonna make me my adept 3s??

Strange to say, I haven't seen Angel online the past couple of days too. She must be hiding somewhere in the Australian outback or something, cos if I know her, she wouldn't stay away that long. Anyway I should get her into a group or something because she's a healer, and we need healers to go XPing...


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