Monday, March 20, 2006

Embedded Movies

Heh ok there's isn't gonna be an in-world post today. Just wanted to take a little "OOC time" here to say that I uploaded 2 of my videos to, and I am embedding one of them here:

Well you need Flash 8 to see it so if you can't see it, go get Flash :) The full list of my videos have always been available from the sidebar on the right side of the blog, but I doubt many people would have clicked on them.

If you want to view online but not download my videos, here's the link to my profile... you might just find what you're looking for there.

I will find time in the days to come to completely upload all my movies to The problem is that it takes a damn long time to upload to them. It's like I'm only uploading at 2400bps, that's like how slow it is for me heh!


At 7:31 pm, March 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psst, fellow Singaporean playing on the AB server here. ;) Send a mail to Kheldar in-game! :) Or msn me haha. kblackmane at hotmail . com Always good to see more Singaporeans playing EQ2. ;)


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