Final 2 Levels
Yup, just turned 58 today! Managed to find the picture I took of it too, and realised that during one of the recent patches, the game now puts screenshots into its own directory and doesn't clutter up the main EQ2 directory anymore.Picture is below:
Well, just 2 more levels to go before I hit level 60. This itme it took me 3 days to get from level 57 to level 58, and I still have over 95% vitality! I have levelled up from 56 without seeing the end of the vitality pointer in 57, and now in 58 I still don't see the pointer. I think maybe now, Sony has instead given us vitality that is endless. They may as well go flat out and announce a permanent 2x bonus to all xp earnt.
Anyway I am not complaining. I still have tradeskill xp bonus potions unused. I will use them on Chen to level him up to 39 as soon as possible so I can imbue the Pristine Conditioned Oak Kite Shield I made for Grrrik. That reminds me, I need to buy the T4 imbuing extract. I wonder what it's called, glimmering extract maybe.
Well anyway, I hope I can make level 59 in the next 3 to 5 days... so level 60 should be just next week. Besides, I want to get the Jade Tiger title by completing the Ashen Order monk quests. Looks promising, and I am already at KINDLY status as of now.
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