Friday, May 06, 2005

Shiny Brass Halberd

Yesterday, I completed this Heritage quest. Was completely lucky too, because I managed to join a group that was already camping T'Sanne in Nektulos, and I waited like a total of 5 minutes only, before the waves started popping and Captain T'Sanne appeared.

We died the first time, due to the unexpected nature of the appearance. However as the rest started to run back from revive points, we took him down easily the 2nd time around. He was conning a green 29^^ to me, at level 33. Even so, it was hard to fight him solo.

We headed back to K'Naee and the assasins popped on cue. They died, we all finished the quest without incident. Got some 30,000 status points, a Shiny Brass Halberd, and contributed about 2,200 status points to the guild too, and effectively bumping the guild level up from 15 to 16. YAY!

Currently I am at 1.5 bubs away from 34, so my "mission" tonight is to head to Enchanted Lands, grind the last 1.5 bars to 34 and then see about getting a group for Torig. Or I could head to Crypt of Betrayal and try to look for the Ire Warlock guy.

In any case, hitting 34 is more important right now... one more level could mean the difference between sucess/failure on the Torig raid or on the Ire Warlock...


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